Political Chaos in Taiwan as DPP, KMT Threaten To Recall Dozens ...





Are DPP and KMT Views of China Converging?

Political scientists and policy makers have long recognized that Taiwan's divided views on China have weakened its ability to deal with Beijing.

Democratic Progressive Party

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is a centre to centre-left Taiwanese nationalist political party in Taiwan. As the dominant party in the Pan-Green ... Chairperson of the DPP · Pan-Green Coalition · Taiwanese nationalism

DPP, KMT continue verbal sparring over mass recall election threats

Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and main opposition Kuomintang (KMT) have continued to exchange words over the ...

Language Policy in the KMT and DPP eras

Most speakers of Hakka dialects also have high fluency in Mandarin and often a good command of Taiwanese. The same applies to speakers of Austronesian languages ...

Recall drives against KMT, DPP begin across nation

RETRIBUTION: The Taiwan Statebuilding Party and Robert Tsao are supporting efforts to dislodge KMT legislators, while KMT Youth members are ...


時間:113年10月28日(一)上午10點地點:立法院中山南路正門(台北市中正區中山南路1號). ​去年九月總統大選期間,國民黨總統候選人侯友宜為了競選,提出80 ...


In 1949, at the end of the Chinese Civil War, the Kuomintang (KMT) fled to Taiwan and established an authoritarian regime. The Taiwanese people were denied ...


總統、立法院的英文是什麼?如何用英文表達台灣或世界各國的選制?身為覺醒的公民,你不能不知道。,PoliticalscientistsandpolicymakershavelongrecognizedthatTaiwan'sdividedviewsonChinahaveweakeneditsabilitytodealwithBeijing.,TheDemocraticProgressiveParty(DPP)isacentretocentre-leftTaiwanesenationalistpoliticalpartyinTaiwan.AsthedominantpartyinthePan-Green ...ChairpersonoftheDPP·Pan-GreenCoalition·Taiwa...